Thursday, 19 April 2007

What happened to the time?

Well, one could see it as digging one's own hole but when I first started I did not think that it would consume so much time. Signing up at the Wits Business School was primarily to gain much needed knowledge of the business sphere. The two nights a week three hour lectures are also something that one can handle, although to be honest this does get a bit mundane and tiresome. Purely from a routine perspective as the knowledge garnered is well worth it.

So here I set prepping for the next lecture, yes they happen on Tuesday and Thursday nights, not including the syndicate meetings. The only positive at the moment is that I am in the second and final year of the PDM course and have not encoutered any stop gaps yet, so with only 7 months to go let's hope nothing to serious crops up.

So don't take this as a note to not study part-time but just prepare yourself, time will become a much sought after commodity.

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